List of Articles

Journal of Channel and Retailing. Vol. 26, No. 3, 2021

Research article
A Study on the Contract Mechanism for Successful Operation of Franchise : Impact of Relational and Formal Contracts on Partnerships and Franchisee‘s Performance
프랜차이즈의 성공적 운영을 위한 계약 메커니즘에 대한 연구: 관계적 계약과 공식적 계약이 파트너십과 가맹점성과에 미치는 영향
J. Channel Retail. 2021;26(3):1-26.
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The Impact of Product Assortment Integration and Price Integration on Shopping Benefits under Omni-Channel Environment : Webrooming vs Showrooming
옴니채널환경에서 제품구색통합 및 가격통합이 쇼핑혜택에 미치는 영향: 웹루밍 vs 쇼루밍
J. Channel Retail. 2021;26(3):27-61.
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The Franchisor’s Control Methods to elicit the Franchisee’s Compliance: Outcome Control vs Behavior Control, Which is more effective?
가맹점의 순응을 이끌어내는 본부의 전략: 결과 중심 vs 과정 중심, 어느 쪽이 효과적인가?
J. Channel Retail. 2021;26(3):63-82.
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The Influence of The Environmental Characteristics of Unmanned Convenience Stores and The Personal Characteristics of Customers on Emotional Experience, Affectively based Satisfaction, and Loyalty
무인편의점 환경적 특성과 이용고객 인적 특성이 정서적 경험, 감정적 만족, 충성도에 미치는 영향
J. Channel Retail. 2021;26(3):83-113.
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